Batten Reserve

The compositions of the vegetation communities in Batten Reserve reflect the underlying shale-influenced sandstone, which results in a more mesic understorey with more grass species present than on more sandy soils.


Vegetation communities represented in the reserve include Coastal Enriched Sandstone Moist Forest, Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark Forest, Coastal Enriched Sandstone Dry Forest, Coastal Sandstone Foreshores Forest and Castlereagh Scribbly Gum Woodland. Several species of terrestrial orchid are prolific throughout the site. Powerful Owls have also been recorded in the reserve, as well as small birds that rely on healthy understorey such as the White-browed Scrubwren and the Variegated Fairywren.

Batten Reserve is under pressure from large residential developments on adjacent land, as well as ongoing urban impacts such as weeds from neighbouring properties and stormwater runoff. Bush-it maintains this site through regular sweeps through the entire reserve to keep healthy bush free of weeds, and through targeted weeding on edges to expand the core area of good bush.

The expertise of our team ensures that work is targeted where it will have the greatest benefit, and that changes in weed infestations or native composition are noticed early and managed appropriately.

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